This book is a comprehensive account of five extended modulescovering the key branches of twentieth-century theoretical physics,taught by the author over a period of three decades to students onbachelor and master university degree courses in both physics andtheoretical physics.
The modules cover nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, thermal andstatistical physics, many-body theory, classical field theory(including special relativity and electromagnetism), and, finally,relativistic quantum mechanics and gauge theories of quark andlepton interactions, all presented in a single, self-containedvolume.
In a number of universities, much of the material covered (forexample, on Einstein s general theory of relativity, on theBCS theory of superconductivity, and on the Standard Model,including the theory underlying the prediction of the Higgs boson)is taught in postgraduate courses to beginning PhD students.
A distinctive feature of the book is that full, step-by-stepmathematical proofs of all essential results are given, enabling astudent who has completed a high-school mathematics course and thefirst year of a university physics degree course to understand andappreciate the derivations of very many of the most importantresults of twentieth-century theoretical physics.
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