Learn Excel Visually - Excel Intermediate Formulae (Data Analysis)

Excel is relevant for all aspects of a business and honestly, it's not hard to learn. Excel is a robust program but spreadsheets created by users are often fragile. Have you ever used Excel, submitted it and something was wrong, a slipped formulae or mistyped number? I know I have, countless times! 
Apparently even smart people can have trouble mastering Excel! To be fair, you can't track where the data came from, there is no quick way to follow the flow of data in a spreadsheet, mistakes are easy to make, but they are also easy to fix - the success of a spreadsheet is in the design and documentation. 
The Learn Excel Visually journey is here to take you through the functions and usability of Excel. take the steps to invest in yourself and develop your Excel skills; it will make you much more marketable to your current and future employer or business. Capture data efficiently, cleanse it, analyse it meaningfully and present it with visual oomph. In short, take this journey in order to champion your skills and increase your value. 

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