Essentials of Biology (5th Ed)
by Sylvia Mader and Michael Windelspecht
McGraw-Hill Education | January 2017 | ISBN-10: 1259660265 | PDF | 720 pages | 96.8 mb
Essentials of Biology is an introductory biology text fornon-major students that can be used in a one- or two-semester course. It wasprepared to provide non-science majors with a fundamental understanding of thescience of biology. The overall focus of this edition addresses the learningstyles of modern students, and in the process, increases their understanding ofthe importance of science in their lives. It was prepared to engage today'sstudents in the science of biology by providing a fundamental understanding oflife. Digital resources and Connections boxes encourage the student tointegrate scientific concepts into their lives. Essentials of Biology isfully integrated into McGraw-Hill’s adaptive learning and Connect platforms,and is associated with a number of online assets that allow instructors to usethis text as a content foundation for traditional, online, hybrid and"flipped" classrooms.
1 Biology: The Science of Life 1
PART I The Cell
2 The Chemical Basis of Life 21
3 The Organic Molecules of Life 38
4 Inside the Cell 56
5 The Dynamic Cell 79
6 Energy for Life 95
7 Energy for Cells 110
PART II Genetics
8 Cellular Reproduction 125
9 Meiosis and the Genetic Basis of Sexual
Reproduction 145
10 Patterns of Inheritance 160
11 DNA Biology 184
12 Biotechnology and Genomics 207
13 Genetic Counseling 221
PART III Evolution
14 Darwin and Evolution 235
15 Evolution on a Small Scale 251
16 Evolution on a Large Scale 265
PART IV Diversity of Life
17 The Microorganisms: Viruses, Bacteria, and
Protists 286
18 The Plants and Fungi 311
19 The Animals 336
PART V Plant Structure and Function
20 Plant Anatomy and Growth 372
21 Plant Responses and Reproduction 392
PART VI Animal Structure and Function
22 Being Organized and Steady 414
23 The Transport Systems 431
24 The Maintenance Systems 450
25 Digestion and Human Nutrition 465
26 Defenses Against Disease 496
27 The Control Systems 513
28 Sensory Input and Motor Output 536
29 Reproduction and Embryonic Development 556
PART VII Ecology
30 Ecology and Populations 580
31 Communities and Ecosystems 600
32 Human Impact on the Biosphere 626
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