Can zinc influence the coronavirus? Here’s what we know.

Today we’re going to talk about zinc and the coronavirus. Can zinc actually kill the coronavirus?

Dr berg talk about a drug called chloroquine. Chloroquine is a malaria drug. There have been derivatives of this drug used in other countries as a coronavirus treatment.

This specific drug acts as a zinc ionophore, which means it allows zinc to penetrate your cells. Once the zinc is inside of the cell, it can stop the replication of the virus.

There was a report done titled, “An effective treatment for coronavirus COVID-19.” The report summary explains that “chloroquine is showing favorable outcomes in humans infected with coronavirus including faster time to recovery and shorter hospital stays." It also “has strong potential as a prophylactic (preventative) measure in the lab, while we wait for a vaccine to be developed.”

There are some credible data that shows the relationship between chloroquine allowing zinc to kill the virus or at least inactivate the virus.

Zinc has a ton of benefits for the immune system that go beyond killing the virus.

 • Zinc has the ability to fight a fever.
 • Zinc is a mitogen (it causes the immune system to grow and respond to a pathogen).
 • The thymus gland is a very important immune gland, and when you have a zinc deficiency, it shrinks.
 • One symptom of a zinc deficiency is lymphopenia, which is decreased lymphocytes.
 • A symptom of a zinc deficiency is an enlarged spleen. The spleen is a key organ involved in the immune system.
 • Zinc is important for bone marrow, which is a key location where you make white blood cells.
 • Zinc is involved in supporting your lungs and protecting the lungs against pathogens.
 • Zinc can potentially reduce inflammation, especially in the lungs.
 • Zinc can decrease your susceptibility to viruses and pathogens.
 • Zinc can decrease the duration of infections.
 • Zinc can act as a preventative measure.

Zinc is vitally important in making a strong immune system. The coronavirus targets a weakened immune system.

Thanks to Dr. Eric Berg for the Amazing Information.