Zygor Guides World of Warcraft | Classic & Retail

Wrath of The Lich King 
October 13th, 2010 Release : 2.0.1388 https://mega.nz/#!v0VBQQjD!U2TicdJkn4I6Pu9EqCOxpHpE97eRprwt4bQtA3It9vA 
The Burning Crusade 
June 25th, 2012 Release: 3.3.4356 https://mega.nz/#!HgNxVQoI!rtn86bWwkZQTwjLfw2mNcEyglbN0lzo85gVNjB2VOIM 
June 25th, 2012 Release: 3.3.4356 https://mega.nz/#!H4dj0CCI!Fy5bcRp8lk_bam3tQ8qURIIGeXFLWwodqNcQYFY3NQE 
Mists of Pandaria 
September 22nd, 2014 Version: 4.0.10325 https://mega.nz/#!TlcBha7R!BBX1I7EFVXlUJ1SAxKughQIaukV7VOIww-Q_ECAs74s 
Warlords of Draenor 
July 10th, 2015 Release: 5.0.12340 https://mega.nz/#!jgMFBY7b!ZeAvRrOtk6B5eGvgraAWcobYiKSuoCKEMMbV5AO1Hhk 
June 27th, 2018 Release: 6.1.18224 https://mega.nz/#!WpM1UYCK!EnhneYEAPZT1_ZQvKwUMlYn-eCEbBYXDlEjWIzEHQ50


April 10th, 2020 
Release : 1.0.22137 
Fix for Blackrock Depths Quest Guide (Alliance) 

Release: 1.0.22134 
* Updated Paladin Class Quests - Updated. 
* Updated Swamp of Sorrows (41-42) - Fixed bad NPC location. 
* Updated Darkshore (12-17) - Reordered and moved a kill step to provide higher drop rates 
* Updated Elwynn Forest (1-13) [Human Starter] - Reordered one step's turn ins and accepts 

* Updated The Barrens (16-21) - Added missing class quests for level 20 priests 
*Updated Mulgore (1-12) [Tauren Starter] - Added quest tag to a home step 

* Updated Mage Class Quests - Finished. 

Updated Razorfen Downs Quests - Updated required level for a quest 

* Updated Maraudon Quests - Started testing/adding coordinates 

* Added Dire Maul East Dungeon Quests guide. 

[Auction tools] 
* Items in selling list now represent stacks in player inventory. 
* Fixed selling price being set based on all items in inventory instead of selected stack. 

* Updated Cooking (1-300) - Minor bugfixes and improvements.


March 31st, 2020 
Release: 7.0.22069 
[H] Updated Dragonblight (61-80) - Added "A Tauren Among Taunka", alternative quest for "The Taunka and the Tauren" for the rare cases when players may have the alternate version 
[H] Updated Frostfire Ridge (90-100) - Corrected steps in "Thunder in Frostfire" and "The Battle of Thunder Pass" scenarios that were not completing properly 
[B] Updated Garrison Leveling Guide - Continued testing and updating 

[H] Updated Sunreaver Onslaught Dailies - Corrected many broken scenario goal steps and the coordinates for a few NPC's