How to Use Your Health Insurance Benefits ( Tutorials )

Understanding Health Insurance Benefits for the Average Consumer who was previously Uninsured. 

16.4 million people in the United States got health insurance through the individual mandate, Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) in 2015. One of the biggest problems in 2014 was that people didn't know how to use it. 

Now that you have health insurance, how do you use your benefits? 

This course will give you detail explanation of the following topics: 
- How having insurance is affecting new consumers 
- Medical Insurance Terminology 
- Importance of having Health Insurance 
- Whether or not you can change your health insurance policy after the enrollment period 
- Ways to save money and much more. 

This course is comprised of video, audio and downloadable documents to help you understand the insurance you now possess. 

This course will be of great value not only to people who are newly insured but also those who are seeking to get health insurance if they meet one of the qualifying events to get insurance throughout the year. 

What are the requirements? 
- Open Mind 
- Pen and Paper 

What am I going to get from this course? 
- Over 11 lectures and 33 mins of content! 
- Explain the difference between a premium and a deductible 
- Determine in-network costs versus out of network costs 
- Five ways to save on Prescription Costs 
- How to Use Health Insurance Benefits 
- Free Preventative Care Services 

What is the target audience? 
- Newly insured consumers 
- Small Business Owners 
- Self-employed 

Click here to download Part 1
Click here to download part 2
Click here to download part 3